- NEWS / SEMINARS 11/27, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #23, Makoto Saito, CRISPR-Casとトランスポゾンの進化的接点を探る:CASTとFanzor 2023.11.25
- NEWS / SEMINARS 5/29, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #22, Kenji Kamimoto, Dissecting cell identity via network inference and in silico gene perturbation 2023.05.22
- NEWS / SEMINARS 3/13, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #21, Saori Sakaue, Finding causal mechanisms of human diseases by integrative analyses of genetics and single-cell genomics 2023.03.08
- NEWS / SEMINARS 2/27, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #20, Kazuki Nagashima, Mapping the T cell repertoire to a complex gut bacterial community 2023.02.01
- NEWS / SEMINARS 7/25, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #19, Shunsuke Kon, Autophagic perturbation caused by reduced lysosomal activity is indispensable for cell competition 2022.07.19
- NEWS / SEMINARS 7/4, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #18, David Torrents Arenales, Identification and classification of disease genomic variation at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center 2022.07.04
- NEWS / SEMINARS 5/30, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #17, Takuma Kitanishi, Optogenetics-assisted projection mapping reveals pathway-specific information outflow from the hippocampus 2022.05.27
- NEWS / SEMINARS 4/18, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #16, Nozomu Yachie, HD Video Recorder of the Cell 2022.04.14
- NEWS / SEMINARS 2/28, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #15, 浜窪 隆雄, 「光感受性色素とイムノトキシンを用いた新規がん治療法(iTAP法)の開発」 2022.02.18