Presenter: Takuma Kitanishi
Affiliation: Komaba Institute for Science / Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Date: May 30th
5/30, LSBM Monday Seminar Series #17, Takuma Kitanishi, Optogenetics-assisted projection mapping reveals pathway-specific information outflow from the hippocampus
Revealing information transfer between brain regions is crucial for understanding brain function. The hippocampus, a brain area important for spatial memory, conveys a variety of spatial information. However, how the hippocampal information is distributed to multiple downstream areas remains unknown. We investigated this by identifying axonal projections using optogenetics during large-scale extracellular recordings from the subiculum, the major hippocampal output structure, of freely behaving rats. Subicular neurons demonstrated a noise-resistant representation of place, speed, and trajectory. Speed and trajectory information was selectively sent to the retrosplenial cortex and nucleus accumbens, respectively. Place information was distributed uniformly to the retrosplenial cortex, nucleus accumbens, anteroventral thalamus, and medial mammillary body. Thus, the subiculum robustly routes diverse spatial information to downstream areas.
- Kitanishi T, Umaba R, and Mizuseki K. Robust information routing by dorsal subiculum neurons. Science Advances (2021) 7:eabf1913.
- Mizuseki K and Kitanishi T. Oscillation-coordinated, noise-resistant information distribution via the subiculum. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. (2022) 75:102556.